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View the profile of Washington Personal Injury - Medical Malpractice Attorney Mary Schultz

View the profile of Washington Personal Injury - Medical Malpractice Attorney Mary Schultz

Top 10 Verdicts in Washington State in 2022

Top 10 Verdicts in Washington State in 2022

The National Trial Lawyers

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Nursing Home Trial Lawyers Association

Medical Malpractice Trial Lawyers Association

LCA Best Lawyer

10.0Mary Elizabeth Schultz Mary Elizabeth SchultzClients’ ChoiceAward 2012 Mary Elizabeth SchultzReviewsout of 5 reviews

Best Medical Malpractice Lawyers in Spokane

Litigation Examples

The following are examples of the range of firm case types, verdicts and settlements:   
  • $36,640,000  Loan fraud/ retaurant and development financing/ judgment
  • $19,480,000  Defamation and race discrimination -jury verdict 
  • $14,887,525  Oral surgery negligence --jury verdict for unnecessary and overly                            aggressive surgery, highest OS verdict in the nation 
  • $4,000,000   Discrimination/ Glass ceiling gender discrimination jury verdict                                  against NYSE company, plus fees and costs
  • $1,900,000   Discrimination- Private Country Club discrimination jury verdict, plus                       fees and costs
  • $2,000,000   Medical Negligence/ Wrongful Death/Suicide settlement
  • $2,000,000   Medical Negligence/ Wrongful Death / Surgical error  settlement 
  • $1,500,000   Securities Fraud-jury verdict for software technology start-up fraud,                         plus fees
  • $1,900,000   SOX Whistleblower-ALJ judicial award at trial for  refusal to engage                         in accounting fraud
  • $1,500,000   Racial Employment Discrimination--disparate treatment settlement
  • $1,200,000   Medical Negligence/Failure to Diagnose Cancer-Bench trial verdict
  • $1,200,000   Medical negligence/ Gentamicin Overuse, settlement
  • $  879,000    Wrongful Termination in violation of public policy -jury verdict
  • $  875,000    Employment Discrimination/Sexual Harassment  
  • $  700,000    Age discrimination and wrongful termination-settlement
  • $  640,000     SOX Whistleblower complaint - settlement- public trading company
  • $  500,000     Employment Discrimination/ managerial harassment, settlement
  • $  500,000     Invasion of Privacy -settlement
  • $  375,000     Wrongful Death in boating accident -settlement capped by Idaho law
  • $  300,000     Medical Negligence/ Wrongful Death respiratory failure   
  • $  300,000     Employment Discrimination-Gender-settlement
  • $  250,000     Employment Discrimination - Age-settlement
  • $  250,000     Employment Discrimination-Gender-settlement
  • $  195,000     HIPAA Medical Privacy Violation -settlement 
  • $  167,500     Employment Discrimination- Gender-settlement

Bench Trials

  • Hague Convention: Successful challenge to Hague Convention Petition from Athens Greece, resulitng in mother and three children allowed to remain in US

Criminal felony litigation

  • Not guilty verdict for 3 strikes(life sentence mandatory) defendant charged with statutory rape, where defendant claimed to have no sexual contact at all with minor, but where DNA evidence tied a child allegedly born of the claimed sexual contact to the defendant with a 99.98 % probability. State v Kramer
  • Not guilty verdict for black 3 strikes defendant (life sentence mandatory) on Armed Robbery charges, where defendant was allegedly followed by police officers to a hotel immediately after the robbery, observed to enter, then arrested in cab leaving the same hotel with the white co defendant, with all robbery funds found in the cab with both occupants, thereupon immediately identified by the robbery victim in the field following the arrest, and where the convicted codefendant testified against the defendant at trial. State v Lockridge.
  • Dismissal of charges in pretrial evidentiary hearing for 51 year old woman falsely accused of molesting numerous children at a day care center in Washington.
  • Dismissal of charges pretrial for Russian teenager charged with accomplice to murder in a gang related homicide, where teenager was alleged to have been the member carrying the weapon, and witnesses reported statements made by defendant linking him to the crime


  • Successful grand jury defense (decline) to DOJ investigation into British Petroleum environmental management in Anchorage, Alaska/Prudhoe Bay for North Slope manager, when environmental crimes were committed by local subcontractor. Included as part of a joint defense team of defense lawyers throughout the country and based in Seattle Washington.
  • Successful obtaining of a federal district court order against the US government to immediately return wild animals seized by the government to an Animal park;
  • Successful defense (dismissal) of Washington DC corporation (in Florida office) from employment discrimination claim.
  • Successful defense (voluntary dismissal prior to summary judgment) of plaintiff’s claim against a wild animal park, Cat Tales, for a claimed mauling by a tiger at the park.


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